Saturday, March 22, 2008

7 Benefits Of A Candida Cleanse

By Jennifer King

The Candida Albicans yeast is an organism that lives harmlessly inside all of us. If it allowed to however, it will mutate into an aggressive fungus that has the potential to destroy your health. Cleansing your body of Candida has a number of health benefits that are explained below.

1. Yeast infections are a problem for 75% of women at least once in their life. Cleansing your body of yeast will help prevent a yeast infection from happening. Without any fungus in your body your friendly bacteria are allowed to flourish, and they keep your intestines and vagina healthy.

2. Candida impairs your digestion. The early signs of an intestinal yeast infection are digestive problems like gas and bloating. Candida causes these symptoms because they wipe out your friendly bacteria that are needed for good digestion. Indigestion, bloating and gas are all signs of the over activity of Candida in your intestines.

3. Your immune system gets a boost with a yeast free body. Friendly bacteria are the foundation of a healthy immune system, and your body can't have a healthy colony of friendly bacteria if your intestines are over populated with yeast.

4. Regular bowel movements are an important part of your health, and too much yeast in your digestive tract can cause constipation. Because your digestion is impaired your food doesn't get digested properly so everything slows down, and then constipation can set in. Friendly bacteria speeds up the transit of food, and keeps your bowels moving regularly.

5 Your friendly bacteria keep your intestines clean so you can absorb the nutrients from your food a lot more efficiently. The Candida Albicans yeast just feeds on the food that you eat so it robs you of nutrients, and it also allows other micro-organisms to populate your intestines that also rob you of important nutrients.

6. Many people suffer from sugar cravings because the yeast in their body is a lover of sugar. This causes sugar cravings because they rob you of sugar so you want to eat more. As you feed the yeast more then the population of yeast grows so you need then crave more sugar. The elimination of yeast will reduce and eventually cut out sugar cravings.

7. A flatter stomach is another benefit of a Candida cleanse. Bloating can give the appearance that your stomach is fat when the bulge is caused by gas in your intestines.

As you can see your body has many benefits of the elimination of the mutated Candida Albicans yeast. Mutated yeast in your body doesn't have one health benefit, and your body functions better in every way when it is eliminated.

Candida overgrowth is responsible for almost all yeast infections. You can find out more about eliminating Candida from your body here - Cure Your Yeast Infection Naturally

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All About Menopause

By Tapan Pal

Menopause and Climacteric

Definition. Menopause refers to final cessation of menstruation while climacteric means the period at which the woman gradually changes from the reproductive life into one of senescence. Meno¬pause is also referred by the laity as 'the change of life'. However both the terms are often synonymously used, menopause being the popular term used. These are physiological processes due to cessa¬tion of ovarian follicular function. Aetiology. Menopause occurs as result of exhaustion of eggs from ovarian follicles and Consequent oestrogen deprivation.
Physiological Changes in Climacteric or Menopause and Post menopausal age.

Genital. Progressive atrophy of genital organs occurs with more and more deposition of fibrous tissue in them.

Ovary. They go small (5 gm. each), fibrotic with furrowed surface, Follicles get exhausted. Ovarian Vessels become sclerosed. Cortical stromal hyperplasia is a frequent finding due to high LH level in women aged 40¬46 years. Ovarian stroma becomes a source of small amount of androgens. Fallopian tubes shrink with diminished mortility.

Uterus becomes small and fibrotic due to atrophy of muscle. Endometrium becomes thin and atrophic (senile). In some women, endometrial. hyperplasia may occur after menopause as a result of constant oestrone stimulation. Cervix atrophies and flushes with the vaginal vault. Cervical secretion becomes scant, thick and later 4isappears. The vaginal epithelium atrophies with loss of rugosity. Vaginal smear shows atrophic changes. Vagina contracts with shallowness of the fornices. Vulva gradually atrophies with narrowing of the introitus : pelvic cellular tissue becomes gradually lax.

Secondary sex characteristics. Breasts show gradual atrophy of the glandular tissue resulting in flabbynes. These become pendulous due to deposition of fat around. Pubic and axillary hair becomes sparse.

Physical. Body weight decreases after 65 years. There is decrease in cell mass of organs. Skin wrinkles, becomes less elastic with hair appearing on face. Subcutaneous fat deposition. occurs on the hip and thighs. Height diminishes postraenopausally after 65 years. Kyphosis may develop due to spinal osteoporosis.

Metabolic. Osteoporosis occurs as a result of oestrogen deprivation. Reduction in trabecular bone (collagen matrix) (Osteoblasts) and Calcium leads to oestrogen deprived Osteoporosis. Premenopausally woman is protected against ischaernic heart disease due to high HDL and low LDL cholesterol. The latter rises postmenopause, thus incidence of ischaernic heart disease also rises. Premature menopause natural or by oophorectomy suffers from increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (cardiac and cerebral stroke) and osteoporosis.

Digestive. Hypochlorhydria develops. Motor activity of entire alimentary tract diminishes resulting in dyspepsia and constipation in postmenopausal women. Bladder and urethral epithelia atrophy. Psychosexual. Emotional upsets are common. At menopause sex urge may increase. After 60 years, sex urge wanes as an aging process.

Endocrinal. There is gonadal failure at menopause. Plasma Oestradiol level falls, oestrone remains normal, ovarian stroma however, produces andostenedione. Extraglandular conversion of androstenedione to oestrone occurs in fatty tissue. Postmenopausally, adrenal cortex becomes the source of oestrone derived from androstenedione. Oestrone becomes the predominating oestrogen after menopause. Postmenopausal daily oestrone formation has been estimated as 15 100 gg/day (Mac Donald et al, 1973) and serum level at 30 70 pg/ml. Progesterone secretion ceases from the ovary due to failure of ovulation. Total urinary oestrogen level falls to about 6 Pg1 24 hours at the postmenopausal period. Androstenedione level mostly from adrenal cortex, little . from ovary comes to one half that seen prior to menopause. Testosterone level does not appreciably fall because postmenopause ovary secretes more testosterone.

Pituitary gonadotrophins. FHS and LH are secreted in increasing amount due to the absence of negative feed back control by the ovarian steroids. LH ovulatory surge disappears, the mean basal serum menopausal gonadotrophin levels are in the range of 50 150 rn LU/ml FSH and 50 100 m IU/ml LH. FSH level is 15 times higher than premenopausal level by 3 5 years after menopause while LH level is increased 3 fold. Prolactin level falls.

Timing. The process of climacteric may gradually start 2 3 years before menopause but may continue 2 5 years after it. The age at which menopause occurs varies widely from 40 to 55 years with mean age of about 47 years. Genetic makeup, race and climate influence age of menopause. Women of tropics get earlier menopause than those in colder climate. Some believe that the early the menarche starts, the later would be the menopause while late coming of the menarche is associated with early menopause. Early or delayed menopause is considered when menopause happens before 35 years or after 55 years respectively. Early menopause may be due to ovarian failure, oophorectomy or ovarian irradiation.

Delayed menopause is usually due to some pelvic pathology like uterine fibroid or in association with disease e.g., diabetes mellitus.

Clinical Features of Menopause and climacteric

Menstrual Symptoms. This occurs in forms of
(a) progressive scanty menstrual loss followed by cessation of menses,

(b) menses at prolonged intervals finally ceasing,

(c) sudden cessation of menses. Prior to menopause menstrual cycles become anovulatory. Any excessive menstrual loss or irregular haemorrhage is not menopausal as in commonly believed by lay public but is due to some pelvic pathology.

Other symptoms. Most women remain asymptomatic. They adapt nicely the physiological changes of menopause. Some may have mild symptoms of putting on weight, joint pains, increase of sex desire followed by its gradual decrease.

Signs. The following signs appear gradually in a normal woman in the menopausal period and thereafter.

1. General signs. Increase in weight, deposition of fat on the hip, buttocks, around breasts. Breasts are examined.

2. Genital signs. Vulva. Progressive atrophy with scanty hair with narrowing of the vaginal introitus. Vagina. This becomes narrow with 'tenting' of vaginal vault,, thinning of mucous membrane and 18ss of rugae.

Cervix. Portio vaginalis atrophies and gets flushed with vaginal vault. Uterus. Body is felt small and hard.

Adnexae. Ovaries become impalpable.

Diagnosis. This can be made from clinical features aided by atrophic vaginal smear and elevated serum FSH level of 50 mIU/ml and above. Elevated plasma LH level is less helpful. Urinary or serum oestrogen level shows value similar to follicular phase and thus less reliable for diagnosis. Differential Diagnosis. Stoppage of menses due to menopause may be simulated by that due to pseudocyesis or pregnancy.

Treatment. Psychotherapy. Explanations for the condition and reassurances are to be given to the woman passing through climacteric when seeking advice for cessation of menses. Improvement of health by dietetic adjustment, adequate rest and exercise and regular evacuation of bowel are to be ensured. For sleep disturbance, diazepam (Valium) 5 mg. or Lorazepam 1 or 2 mg. is taken orally at bed time.

Menopausal or Climacteric Syndrome

Menopausal Syndrome refers to group of symptoms that are experienced by some women during climacteric. Hot flushes (vasomotor instability symptom) that last for one year in 80% are characteristic of menopausal syndrome. It diminishes of its own by 3 4 years. The cause of hot flush is unclear but follows oestrogen withdrawal in women with poor vascular control. Rise of hypothalamic endorphin is implicated. It is experienced by, 25% women with psychological background, particularly following oophorectomy or ovarian irradiation at younger age. Flush depends on rate of oestrogen loss and extragonadal oestrone formation. The body gradually adjusts itself to natural decline of oestrogen and flushes gradually pass off. Symptoms. These appear as follows: vasomotor and other symptoms usually follow but even precede cessation of menses.

1. Menstrual. Menses stop as already described under menopause. A proportion of premenopausal women come with emotional symptoms, loss of libido and dry vagina during intercourse, Hot flushes and sweats are complained with scanty and delayed menses by some women.

2. Vasomotor. 'Hot flushes' (feeling of warmth) due to cutaneous vasodilatation are commonly experienced by these, women on the face and neck spreading all over the body; this feeling of heat may be followed by sweating. They may come once a day but sometimes every hour; they come particularly at night. These are characteristic manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

3. Emotional. This is manifested by headache, irritability, sleeplessness, giddiness, fatigue, depression, palpitation. There may be sensations of 'pins and needles' in the sole and palm. Disturbed sleep can be due to hot flushes and sweats.

4. Sexual. These are decreased libido and dyspareunia due to atrophic vaginitis and lack of vaginal lubrication during intercourse.

5. Musculoskeletal. These appear as backache, pain in joints due to laxity of ligaments and muscles.

Signs. These are same as described under menopause. Diagnosis. This has been already described under menopause. Differential Diagnosis. Pseudocyesis of spurious pregnancy may be mistaken by the patient for menopausal syndrome. In the former, amenorrhoea, enlargement of breasts and abdomen due to deposition of fat like that in pregnancy occur; there is also the false feeling of foetal movements due to flatulent dyspepsia. The patient should be assured that her symptoms are menopausal. In all these cases, pregnancy may also occur and should be carefully excluded by thorough examination, immunological urinary pregnancy test and pelvic ultrasound.

Premature Menopause

Definition. Menopause coming on a patient below 35 years is called premature menopause. Cause. Poor stock of ovarian follicles gets exhausted. Clinical Features, Symptoms, Secondary amenorrhoea for more than 6 months. In some hot flushes, mood instability, disturbed sleep, loss of libido, (menopausal syndrome). draying of hair. Signs. Atrophic vaginal epithelism, normal or small sized uterus. Investigations. Raised serum FSH above 50 mIU/ml.; ovarian biopsy showing no ovarian follicles is not done. Treatment Assurance, diazepam for poor sleep. Oestrogen therapy for menopausal syndrome are given. Menstruation can not be brought on hormone therapy. Male Climacteric. About 10 per cent men experience climacteric symptoms at a later age than women due to androgen deprivation. The rest 90 per cent gradually adapt themselves without symptoms.

To Get more information on Women's Health Visit

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Need a Pamela Anderson Look - Go for Breast Enhancement

By Marc Razz

These days everyone wants to be at peak in all aspects. Women are not too far in this race. They are going places in all the sectors. They got alluring look and talent to their account and these elements are certainly helping them in achieving success. In ancient days though women are not moving for working sectors then also they were paying attention to their beauty. Special care and treatments for a glowing and sexy look was present at that time. Now a days the same exposure still present for women to get an appealing personality.

But the fact is that with time the procedures are getting more advanced and ready to use. These days' women despite of any race or class are moving for breast enhancement. They are getting more aware for their small size breasts and exactly know that adopting this procedure can enhance their personality and sexy look. Breasts, as a part of the woman physique has got its own importance in developing a woman personality. Getting a large and beautiful breast is what that every woman is looking for. Some are going for breast enhancement to improve their appearance and some for improving the appealing character.

Breast enhancement can be done in several ways. You can go for surgery or can use pills. But it should be done under the proper supervision of your doctor. Otherwise you can use oil or lotions that are available in the market and ready to use. The oil or cream for breast enhancement can increase better blood flow for your breast glands and can keep the result for longer days. Simultaneously it's important to consume more healthy food while going through such breast enhancement procedures. These things can certainly help you in gaining a firm and good-looking breast. Thinking about a busty breast? Check out for above mentioned ways.

Breast enhancement for more details visit:

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Women in Menopause - Vitamin and Mineral Needs

By Dr Jenny Tylee

Menopause is the transitional change in a woman's life when menstruation ceases. It is a natural occurrence, which marks the end of the reproductive years, just as the first menstrual period during puberty marked the start.

To address the symptoms and concerns about the increased risks of heart disease and osteoporosis some women have opted for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However worries about the links between HRT and breast cancer, or simply a belief that nature should take its own course, have motivated other women to try a natural approach.

Alternatives to HRT for dealing with the symptoms

As women approach menopause the production of hormones by the ovaries starts to slow down. As this process accelerates, hormone levels fluctuate more and often a woman notices changes in her menstrual cycle, such as:

· cycles may become longer, shorter or totally irregular,

· bleeding may become lighter, or

· bleeding may become unpredictable and heavy (seek advice from your health professional if this is the case).

· Eventually the hormone levels will fall to a level where menstruation (periods) will cease altogether and the menopause is reached.

Other symptoms

The most common symptoms are hot flushes and cold sweating. However, women sometimes experience other symptoms including:

· palpitations,
· tingling, or itching sensations,
· vertigo,
· aches and pains in muscles and bones,
· forgetfulness,
· headaches,
· irritability,
· insomnia,
· depression,
· lack of self-esteem,
· reduced sex drive (libido),
· tiredness,
· urinary frequency, and
· vaginal dryness.

What you can do to help

There are many aspects of your lifestyle and diet that you can alter to help improve the symptoms that can be associated with menopause. These include following a diet that will help to balance the hormones.

This diet consists of:

· eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (at least five to seven serves per day),

· eating complex carbohydrates - wholegrains like brown rice and oats,

· eating organic foods if this is possible,

· eating phytoestrogens, including, beans such as lentils, chickpeas and soya products,

· eating oily foods, including, fish, nuts, seeds and oils,

· reducing your intake of saturated fat from dairy products and meat,

· drinking plenty of pure filtered water,

· increase your intake of fibre (which should occur if you are also eating complex carbohydrates and fruit and vegetables),

· avoid additives, preservatives and chemicals, such as artificial sweeteners,

· try to eat whole unprocessed foods wherever possible,

· avoid or reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages, such as tea and coffee,

· reduce or eliminate alcohol,

· avoid sugar on its own and hidden in foods.

Supplements are beneficial during the menopause in order to ensure that you have adequate nutrients for maintaining healthy bones. Many of the following supplements are also known to help with the symptoms of the menopause.

A good quality multivitamin and mineral would form the foundation of your supplement programme to make sure that you are getting a 'little bit of everything'. Use the supplement programme below for at least three months and then re-evaluate your supplement needs. Some women need higher doses than are given below.

· A good multivitamin and mineral supplement designed for women, which includes boron.

· Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 1000 mg per day,

· Vitamin E 400 IU per day,

· B complex 50 mg per day,

· Magnesium 300 mg per day,

· Calcium citrate 500 mg per day,

· Zinc 10 mg per day,

· Linseed oil 1000 mg per day.

The herbs: Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), Dong quai (Angelica sinensis), Ginseng, Siberian (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Licorice (Glycrrhiza glabra) can help to control the hot flushes and other symptoms.

Regular exercise, at least 30-45 minutes most days of the week will:

· maintain your heart health and improve your general health,

· help to keep your bones healthy and prevent bone loss through osteoporosis

· help maintain your muscle strength and balance, thus reducing the risk of injury from falls,

· provide a feeling of relaxation and general wellbeing, and

· help improve hot flushes.

If you smoke cigarettes try to give up. Cigarette smoking is related to hot flushes.

Special Note

You should not take any of the above herbs if you are taking, the contraceptive pill, fertility drugs, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or any other hormonal treatment, unless they are recommended by your health professional.

Scientists have begun to study the benefits of a group of plant hormones known as phytoestrogens. These hormones naturally occur in certain foods such as soya. Soya contains two flavonoids, genistein and daidzein, and studies have shown that they are chemically similar to Tamoxifen, which is the drug used to prevent a recurrence of breast cancer.

HRT, used for five or more years, may increase your risk of breast cancer. Try to find relief from your symptoms and some peace of mind with vitamin and mineral supplements and herbs.


Baird, D.D, Umbach, D.M, Landsedell, L, et al.1995, Dietary Intervention Study to Assess Estrogenicity of Dietary Soy Among Postmenopausal Women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:1685?90.

Cassidy, A, Bingham, S, and Setchell, K.D. 1994, Biological Effects of a Diet of Soy Protein Rich in Isoflavones on the Menstrual Cycle of Premenopausal Women. Am J Clin Nutr 60:333?40.

Nestel, P.J, Pomeroy, S, Kay, S, et al. 1999, Isoflavones from Red Clover Improve Systemic Arterial Compliance but not Plasma Lipids in Menopausal Women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84:895?8.

Tice, J.A, Ettinger, B, Ensrud, K, et al. 2003, Phytoestrogen Supplements for the Treatment of Hot Flushes: The Isoflavone Clover Extract (ICE) Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 290:207?14.

Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies. Visit Dr Jenny's blog and join her newsletter for more quality information.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Female Libido in Women

By Kristi Patrice Carter

Often times women can experience differences in their libido. You may feel like you are simply not as 'interested' as you were before, or you may become more interested. There are different reasons for the difference in libido in each person. Everyone is unique and with each person, there may be huge differences as far as libido goes. Libido can be described as a women's sexual desire, and it can affect not only the women but her partner as well. Discovering and understanding the female libido in women can be a great benefit to both you and your significant other.

The loss of female libido can result in the loss of intimate relationships and the loss of sexual encounters with your partner. This can be difficult for the woman and her partner, and there is a need to find the reason for the loss of sexual desire or interest. There are many different reasons for the loss of libido in women many factors include: stressful events, a bad diet, and poor physical exercising habits and menopause. Although it seems odd the female libido in women is closely linked to the mind; any causes with female libido may be relatively linked the things that are mentally happening in one's life. If there is difficulty at work or school these thoughts will be in your mind and your sexual desires will decrease.

The loss of female libido in women can be a very serious event; lack of sexual activity can cause several different problems. Participating in "healthy sex" releases certain chemicals called oxytocin, this certain chemical is released in the brain and can actually reduce stress levels. This is vital to many women, considering that most women tend to be more stressed than men. A few other important things that this chemical helps in controlling include weight gain, sleep patterns and has even been known to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Although the loss of female libido can hinder certain things it is a common fact that at some point most women will experience these feelings . As well has having a low female libido in women there are also times when the female libido is extremely high. In this event there is a high sex drive; the goal is to equal out between the two and try to have a consistent libido. There are times when a woman may need help with the loss of sexual desire, such as during menopause or after having a baby. Being sure to eat healthy and separate your home life from your career can help in the dramatic changes in the female libido. If you can't seem to find the interest or desire, supplements can help until the body hormones return to normal.

The female libido in women can change day in and day out and in some cases, keeping track of when you are feeling a high or low libido can help you prepare better for those time periods. Making sure that you and your partner are on the same page and reassuring your partner that this is a common condition will set the relationship at ease. The female libido in women is a very normal thing to question; but as long as you stay healthy and the changes don't last for long periods of time you are good to go.

Don't suffer from menopausal symptoms any longer. Find relief in natural supplements that will alleviate your symptoms for good. Visit today and take control of your symptoms!

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Coping With Menopause In The Countryside

By Beatrice Taylor

Well, there's an assumption that women who live in the countryside suffer from menopause more then others. Let's have a look whether it is wrong or right.

Menopause is a special time for any woman and it can be physically and psychologically unsettling in a woman's life. It is a time of hot flashes, night sweats, poor sleep and ever-changing mood shifts. These debilitating symptoms can significantly interfere with family life, close or distant relationships and work.
And the fact is that the impact of menopause often depends on where a woman is in her life. And in rural areas it is much harder to cope with menopause. Why? Let's see.

First of all, there's the lack of female rural doctors. You can't deny it. But country women want better medical expertise on the subject of menopause. They need better healthcare support that is impossible in rural areas at present. As a result, lack of access to health care and support groups make menopausal experience especially stressful for such women.

Second of all, there's lack of psychological support. Country women (and all women, beg your pardon) entering menopause seek some sympathy. But, unfortunately, countryside can't provide them with reliable information and mere human understanding. Of course, there such thing as Internet, TV and mass-media, but, to tell you the truth, I personally don't believe that these things can give you comfort and consolation in such issues as menopause. They just give a certain amount of conflicting information. Hence, country women are left alone in their confusion and distress.

Third of all, country women have to perform multiple care-giving roles. You can deny it, but this is true, they have much more occupations and responsibilities than other women. Having no time and to think and care about such things as menopause, country women are often deeply surprised by the intensity of the psychological, physical and social consequences of menopause when it strikes them.

What can be done about it? Actually I can see at least two options here. One of them is to offer holistic care and comprehensive support to rural women going through the menopause. I believe, it would enhance the women's well-being as they go through menopause and enable them to optimize their health. Another option would be to train female community leaders to deliver local information sessions and help to set up support groups.

And last but not least. Menopause is a significant life event affecting millions of women globally. And women living in rural communities should not be forgotten.

For more information about menopause and early menopause causes in country women don't hesitate to visit To learn more about the subject of menopause and early menopause treatments go to Herbal Menopause Remedy Store

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Important Aspects On The Female Impotence Treatment Vigorelle

By Paul K Hamilton

Vigorelle Cream - Pleasure in a Bottle

It is the response of many women, when asked about their sex life, that it is 'alright'. They may feel that they have a satisfactory sex life in general, but the truth remains that women can miss out on a considerable amount of pleasure. Vigorelle, which is discussed in this article, is a completely natural body cream, which when used can helpwomen to be more sensitive and receptive to stimulation.

Vigorelle Information

Advance Botanicals have developed the product called Vigorelle, which uses pure botanical extracts and all natural ingredients. This product is an innovative transdermal delivery system. By applying this cream, made from botanical extracts and completely natural nutrients, to the skin and thus utilizing the skins permeability enhancers. One of the ingredients being olive extract squaline which helps the skin to absorb the cream quicker so that sexual sensations can be achieved more rapidly.

Through experimentation and research, the best combination of herbal extracts and totally natural ingredients has reached to give the exact proportions needed to give improved sexual stimulation. The major ingredients contained in Vigorelle cream are.

- Organic Damiana Leaf, has been recently confirmed as having powerful aphrodisiac qualities which makes it a great treatment for people with low libido.

- Organic Suma Root which is comprised of 152 confirmed compounds with high nutritive values, 19 amino acids and many vitamins and minerals. Suma Root is a great neuroendocrine restorative, antioxidant, metabolic regulator and immunity enhancer.

- Organic Motherwort, which is a uterine tonic that contains alkaloids with the ability of enhancing uterine contractions

- Organic Wild Yam, which is a valuable plant known for its ability to enhance and balance hormone production

- Organic Ginkgo Biloba, which increases moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin, helps soothe irritation, is a natural anti-biotic, and a good cleanser rich in bioflavinoids.

- Organic Peppermint Leaf, The health qualities of peppermint notwithstanding, it is a delivery agent used to help the absorption of other substances through cell membranes.

Vigorelle Usage

The use of Vigorelle gives intensified arousal and a greatly increased interest in sex. Vaginal dryness is helped by the creation of a cool, lubricating sensation which speeds arousal and thus enhances the natural ability of the body to lubricate itself.

Some people have difficulty and even the ability to reach orgasm, but Vigorelle will help by intensifying every touch and and allow disassociation from other influences on the natural sexual responses, i.e. medication, stress and general health issues.

Vigorelle application is direct to the genital area, which allows active ingredients to stimulate the essential tissue surfaces. Immediately, an increase in sensation is obtained and Vigorelle's response improves progressively after three or four successive applications.

Paul Hamilton is an avid researcher of Impotence products such as Vigorelle and runs a successful website dedicated to bringing the most upto date information on Impotence and it's various problems. For lots of free tips and special offers see Pauls site at

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Treating Candidiasis - For Women Who Deal With It Chronically

By Tiffay Craig

In this article I'm going to explain ways for treating Candidiasis. Yeast infection stink - period. They're gross - when I had yeast infections, the thought of colonies of bacteria growing inside of me was bad, but the symptoms were even worse. My vagina got so itchy to the point where I couldn't sleep at night. If you're going through the same frustrations, don't worry you have options. Here are a few tips to help you lose your Candida.

Herbal Douche

If you have some time on your hands and willing to put a bit of work in I would suggest using this recipe because its highly effective. Take equal parts of sage, comfrey leaf, and mullein (optional) and add in 1/4 part of goldenseal. Mix these up well and take about 4 tablespoons of this and place it into a tea strainer. Take 1 quart of boiling water and mix it with the strainer - let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, take the strainer out and place 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of yogurt. Use this as a douche daily if your conditions are severe and every other day if they are mild.


These are great for treating cadidiasis for a few reasons. For one, cranberries stop bacteria from clinging on to walls of your urinary tract. They also will balance out the pH level inside your urine (an unbalanced pH level in your urine a big cause for Candida). There are cranberry pills that you can get at your natural food store. Take these daily until your symptoms go away.

Important Points To Note:

Although herbal douches and cranberries can do wonders with treating candidiasis, there is something that you need to understand. These solutions (along with creams and prescribed pills) only treat the symptoms of a yeast infection, not the actual cause of it. This explains why there are a large number of women who deal with Candida multiple times in a year. To fully get rid of your yeast infection, you have to internally treat the root cause. There are programs that offer natural ways to treat the individual cause of your Candida. Its the most realistic way to lose your yeast infection for the long run.

What the heck is the root source of a yeast infection then? Most contemporary treatments don't treat this source and the human body doesn't have the ability to treat it. Click here to find out what the root cause of your yeast infection is, and to read our unbiased reviews of the top yeast infection treatment program.

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Tired, Irritable And Having Trouble Trying To Conceive?

By Judy Ford

When you are trying to conceive and create a healthy environment for your baby to grow, you must be well. But how well is well? Should you expect to have one or two colds a year and possibly one dose of the flu? Should you feel tired, irritable, depressed and have loss of concentration? Or are these things signs that your body is functioning below par? Recent research shows that 'self-perception of health status' is a good indicator of whether a woman is likely to have fertility problems. In other words, if you don't feel on top of the world then you just might not be well enough to conceive and have a normal baby.

If you aren't well, then no number of drugs and IVF treatments will help you when you are trying to conceive. In fact the drugs and treatments might make you worse and sadly you will then be labeled as having 'unexplained infertility'. You will be even more depressed than you were when you started out because you will have gone through so much and still have empty arms.

How should you go about working out how well you are? One way is to take a long hard look in the mirror. Does your skin glow or are you pasty or spotty? Do you feel or look bloated? Do your eyes look clear and bright? What is the colour of your lips and inside your eyelids? Is your tongue pink or white and furry? Do you feel relaxed? Does your head ache?

These sorts of questions will help you think about your wellness but you might need some help. In my on-line 'clinic' I have a questionnaire that both asks questions and gives advice in response to the answers given. I have recently analysed the results and found that over 90% of the women who responded had negative health symptoms. All these women were either infertile or had suffered one or more miscarriages. My analysis also showed the causes of the symptoms - that is women who drank insufficient water had one group of symptoms whilst those who ate insufficient vegetables had another group of symptoms. This proved that not only were the symptoms real but that they reflected the inadequacies of lifestyle.

The relationship between symptoms and lifestyle means that you can use your symptoms to monitor your progress. Your symptoms will disappear as you become well and fertile.

I have personally developed a number of different products to help you understand how to be really well when you are trying to conceive. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle then you will also reduce your risks of having a miscarriage. Your baby will also be less likely to have any problems during pregnancy or after birth.

Dr Judy Ford is an internationally respected geneticist and science communicator who has undertaken considerable research into the lifestyle and its effects on health, especially on enhancing fertility. Her websites have many helpful products that educate about fertility problems and give expert guidance on how to overcome them through her services natural fertility (Australia) and natural fertility (U.K.).

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The Truth About Hypothyroidism And Infertility

By Dean Caporella

The issue of hypothyroidism and infertility is a very real one and one of the more common reasons for fertility issues however, it is quite often overlooked.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism often confuse women into thinking they may be in a pre-menopausal stage however, many times this is not the case. In this article, we'll look at some of the symptoms to watch out for which may indicate you could be experiencing thyroid issues.

Thyroid Deficiency

Thyroid issues can be quickly detected through a simple test conducted by your doctor. If you suspect infertility could be an issue for you, before you start thinking the worst, at least explore the possibility that hypothyroidism may be affecting you.

In a nutshell, hypothyroidism is still not completely understand in relation to infertility but there is enough evidence that there is a connection. It affects the internal secretion of hormones causing high Prolactin levels which in turn can impact ovulation.

The fertilization of the egg is severely hampered during this time as well as the role of the sperm. Your doctor can quickly determine if there is an issue by performing a test which simply stimulates the thyroid.

Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism

It's easy to understand why the symptoms of hypothyroidism can confuse women into thinking they are in the early stages of menopause. For example, if the thyroid isn't producing it's optimal amounts of hormones then menopause-like symptoms can occur.

Let's take a look at some of the symptoms to be aware of if you concerned about fertility issues:

- unusual weight gain despite the fact you watch what you eat and exercise

- fluid forming under the eye

- lack of regular appetite yet you still experience an increase in weight

- dry skin and hair which are also symptoms evident during menopause

- lack of energy and feeling tired all the time

- lack of sleep and irritability

The above are just a few of the symptoms you may be experiencing if hypothyroidism and infertility are at play in your life. Instead of making your own judgments, let your doctor decide and help you get back on track

Want more sound advice on infertility issues which could be affecting you? Understand what is the cause of infertility and how you should approach and deal with it.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Menopause Physician - Do You Really Need One?

By Vanessa Evans

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when she stops menstruating i.e. having periods. In the years leading up to this time there is a shift in the levels of female hormones that are produced. This can have both physical and emotional side effects. For some women these side effects are a slight inconvenience, for others they are debilitating. It is quite common for women to seek the advice of their doctor or a menopause physician at this time to help overcome these problems. But some have raised doubts as to whether the medical profession should be involved in the majority of cases, if at all.

A complaint that you frequently hear from some commentators is that the menopause is not a 'disease' that requires 'treatment'. It is just a normal process that every woman goes through. For centuries women have coped without any ill effects so why does there need to be any medical intervention at all?

A more sinister accusation is that there has been a medicalization of menopause, which is driven by greed and profit, rather than the welfare of women. The argument is that pharmaceutical companies are pushing their products into this field and actually creating a marketplace where there was not one before.

Why would the drug companies bother to do this? The provision of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is an expensive and profitable type of treatment. Once a patient is on HRT, it is a continual treatment that may go on for years. There are presently a large number of baby boomers who are passing through the age when the menopause occurs. In short, this is a highly lucrative marketplace for pharmaceutical companies to be in.

More recently there have been some health scares over the safety of taking HRT over long periods. Specifically, there is a fear that there is an increased risk of contracting cancer. This has led many women to question whether they need to receive treatment for their menopausal symptoms. Things have changed. Rather than believing that 'there is a pill for every ill', now women are making educated decisions about their own health.

There are many natural and alternative treatments on the market that aim to provide relief from menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats. There are even some innovative products such as menopause pajamas.

Although medical treatment can provide relief to many women suffering severe symptoms, the relative risks and benefits should be weighed up for each individual.

Visit to find out more about coping with menopause night sweats and hot flashes.

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Overactive Bladder is Not Uncommon in Women

By Paul Rodgers

More women see doctors because of bladder infections that for almost any other reason. Incontinence, or involuntary urination, is a common ailment for older people--especially women--because the sphincter muscles that surround the urethra become gradually weaker with age. Women in menopause have declining

levels of estrogen which causes the mucosal lining (inner skin) the vagina and urethra to thin. Women are most likely to develop incontinence during pregnancy and child birth or after the hormonal changes of menopause because of weakened pelvic muscles. It is pretty common for pregnant women to get this, your bladder gets infected by bacteria, but if you let it go untreated it could move into your kidneys. Use of antibiotics have caused many women to end up with yeast infections, as the "good" bacteria are killed off along with the "bad" bacteria.

It would be beneficial for all young women to be taught pelvic floor as teenagers because of the effects it has on later sexual response, the benefits it has in terms of recuperation following childbirth and minimizing the likelihood of stress incontinence in later life. These exercises can also assist women who find they and their partners have lost sensation during sexual intercourse because of slack vaginal muscles, particularly after childbirth. Women polio survivors had nearly five times more difficulty holding urine than did men, reporting urgency, incontinence with a full bladder, stress incontinence and urine leakage. For women, emptying the bladder frequently, non-fatiguing Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and medications that control the activity of the vagus nerve, such as Detrol, are very helpful in preventing leakage. Women are initially more receptive than men to IC, perhaps because they are familiar with the process of tampon insertion.

Overactive bladder is not normal or natural at any age, and it can be treated. In fact, some of the most important tools for diagnosing the cause of your bladder problems are not high tech at all, but rather an observant patient who reports his or her medical history and symptoms accurately and concisely, a physician who is both a good listener and a skilled medical detective, some basic tests such as a urinalysis to rule out a urinary tract infection, and a record of how your bladder works each day, called a bladder diary. Bladder problems are not exclusively a problem of older women.

A combination of treatments may greatly alleviate symptoms of overactive bladder and help you manage their impact on your daily life. With a growing array of treatments including new drugs becoming available, the trick now is to figure out which kind of bladder problem you have and sort out the risks and benefits of the treatments offered. And yet, treatments, including a recently approved drug with relatively few side effects, are available that can significantly reduce if not eliminate the distress, discomfort and inconvenience associated with an overactive bladder. Most surgical procedures should be considered irreversible and the decision to undergo this type of treatment should take into account many factors including patient mobility, support system, life expectancy, and response to alternative treatments.

Now there's something you can do to help cleanse your system of these bacterial invaders, its called Medonin. This proven all-natural formula combines five urinary tract cleansers and defenders for maximum urinary tract health. Here's why our Medônin Formula should be a part of your daily health program:

Cranberry - Cranberry makes urine more acidic. It is believed this acidity creates an unfriendly environment for any organisms to develop. More importantly cranberry seems to make the bladder wall slippery so urine can help to flush away anything that is lurking in the bladder. Our 500-mg cranberry formula gives you all the potent benefits without the sugar, excessive calories, or tart taste.

Blueberry - The natural compound found in blueberries is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. As an antioxidant, blueberry helps to protect your urinary tract cells from harmful free radicals. This fruit has also demonstrated its ability to help safeguard the bladder from unfriendly invaders, which can contribute to urinary issues.

D-Mannose - This is a naturally occurring sugar that has unique protective properties for your kidneys and bladder. Our pharmaceutical grade D-Mannose is estimated to be up to 50 times stronger than cranberries. This potent natural sugar is absorbed much more slowly than regular sugars. Eventually it makes its way to your kidneys where it is filtered, and routed to your bladder. It is in the bladder that this super sugar with its unique "anti stick" properties helps promote the flushing and cleansing away of anything that could interfere with bladder health.

Uva- Ursi Leaf - This herb has a long history of being used by millions of people with urinary concerns. It contains a potent natural substance called arbutin that is believed to act as a natural purifier and astringent for the bladder. Uva-Ursi also contains allantoin, which soothes irritated tissues.

Probiotics - Probiotics comes from the Greek expression meaning "for life." Intestinal probiotics are living, friendly microorganisms that help to improve your body's micro-flora. They actively protect your urinary tract against the spread of unfriendly microorganisms and yeast's, while helping to maintain optimum urinary tract health. Our Acidophilus member of the probiotics family gives you 1 billion helpful cultures, to safeguard your system.

Flotrol is a new 100% natural herbal bladder support formula for mature adults. Flotrol is formulated from food products; therefore your body metabolizes Flotrol in the same way it does the food you eat, and it does not contain toxins that stress your liver. Flotrol is a proven safe and natural product which can promote bladder health. It can be quite a relief when bladder problems are solved.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing online fitness, diets, health and beauty products and services. You are invited to visit Natural Bladder Control for Men & Women!

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