Sunday, September 7, 2008

Herpes Symptoms in Women

By Julia Dean

Herpes symptoms in women are wide and varied. Some women will experience what is known as the ‘classic’ genital herpes symptoms, some will experience vastly different effects from the virus, and most will experience none at all. This makes identifying herpes symptoms in women fairly hard, and the best bet if you believe you may have contracted the virus, or are showing symptoms of one sort or another, is to have a medical diagnosis, and arrange treatment as soon as possible.

The classic signs of herpes symptoms in women is the outbreak of painful, uncomfortable, weeping blisters. These blisters can range in size from tiny pimple sized dots, to large coin sized ulcers. These blisters will usually burst and scab over as the infection progresses. The blisters may also be small or large in number, and may appear alone or in groups, known as lesions.

Other herpes symptoms in women can include a tenderness or redness in the groin area, soreness or itching of the labia, swollen glands in the groin (the lymph nodes), an itchy rash, breakouts of rash or blisters on the legs or buttocks or unusual vaginal discharge.

Other herpes symptoms in women to watch out for are general flu-like symptoms like lethargy, headache, fever and sore joints and limbs.

If you believe you may have genital herpes, remember that while there is no cure for the virus, there are many options available and the disease is quite controllable. Herpes symptoms in women or a diagnoisis of genital herpes can make some women feel ashamed or ‘dirty’, and this can lead to depression, anxiety, fear of sex or masturbation, and many other psychological effects. Genital herpes is not the taboo disease it is made out to be. It is incredibly common, and with the right treatment and lifestyle can be controlled and made to no longer interfere with your life. There are a wide range of treatments for herpes symptoms in women available including natural or homeopathic medicines that are very effective against herpes symptoms in women and don’t have the side effects of prescription antibiotics or antivirals.

Discover how you can get rid of genital herpes fast with all natural treatments, visit

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Planning A Wedding

By Karin Koch

The two best ways you can take the stress out of planning a wedding are by hiring help and by assuming it’s going to be perfect.

Planning a wedding can be one of the most stressful experiences in a new bride’s life, and it seems a shame that more brides can’t enjoy the planning process more. We think that it’s really not that hard to take a lot of the stress out of the experience. For most people hiring someone like a wedding planner is outside the scope of their budget. Each and every detail of the wedding adds to the final expense, but maybe this one expense is one you can’t afford to NOT have.

There are usually a lot of personalities at work in planning a wedding, and the planning itself is establishing the foundation for the kinds of relationships that the bride, the groom, their families and their extended families will have with each other. Many times the members of the family are bringing their own expectations of what the wedding should and shouldn’t be like to the planning process, and a wedding planner can be an effective intermediary for keeping the planning moving forward while helping to minimize any conflict between family members.

It’s like the commercial says: "Priceless!"

To help the affordability of paying for a planner, part of their role can be in helping to find creative ways to cut down on expenses. A good wedding planner will have been there and done that and will have valuable advice on how great ideas may or may not actually be great ideas to implement for the wedding, and will probably have a lot of experience at cutting corners and knowing which ones to cut and how.

Whatever is decided, and followed through on, or let go of, assume it’s perfect and that it’s all going towards the most perfect day of your life – and maintain that assumption no matter what.

An acquaintance of mine was on her way to her wedding in the limousine when the trunk of the limo came flying open and her wedding dress and veil and everything else she was taking to the wedding flew out onto the highway. Drivers began slamming on brakes and trying to swerve around her dress and veil as they floated across the highway! She’s an eternal optimist, and what would have been a complete and total disaster for anyone else to deal with became some kind of grand adventure as her and the rest of the wedding party bailed out the limo. Other drivers began to stop and help them chase down all of her wedding paraphernalia as it was being blown all about the road.

It became a priceless tale of the way they began their lives together, and she never lost her faith that no matter how mangled her wedding dress might be after she retrieved from under the wheel of a passenger car that it was all absolutely perfect just the way it was.

So keep the faith – because your wedding will be, too!

Written by Karin Koch, Your source for wedding favors, bridal shower favors and wedding decorations.

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