Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What To Love About Being 40+

By Jo Larsen

Tossing the high heels away if you want to!

You realize you don't have to stuff your feet into another pair of high heels if you don't want to - ever again. Tennis shoes are so much more comfortable! (And it's the first time you've been pain free in years.)

Joy! Yes, Joy!

There's a new depth of bliss as you enter your 40th year that you never thought possible. You take true joy in your children's accomplishments . . . in the ambitions of your friends . . . in the achievements of your husband. You recognize the small joys of life . . and celebrate them lavishly!

The power to say no . . . and not feel guilty.Along with that potent surge of self confidence comes the ability to say no to volunteer projects you have neither the time nor interest in tackling - and not feel a tinge of guilt. It's not that you don't agree with the project or the need, it's just your list of priorities at this point in time doesn't allow for a quality effort - and no one is going to pressure you into doing otherwise.


You've already made many mistakes and celebrated many victories. And you've lived through them all. You've survived high school, college, the "entry level" jobs, even the birth of your children and the disapproval of your mother-in-law. And you've survived! But more importantly, once you reach 40 you not only realize that you've survived, but you've flourished as well. Now you can go about living your life confident of your own personal choices and resilient to criticism . . . constructive or otherwise.

Resurfacing of Old Hobbies.

With the children needing less supervision and your job not requiring the exhaustive hours you used to put into it, you've re-discovered some hobbies you used to love. You're taking photographs like you did in your early 20s or painting with water colors. You find that you still love tennis just as much as you did when you were in college - and you still haven't improved that golf swing yet!

Re-inventing yourself.

Stepping out of your mold, reinventing yourself and trying some new hobbies and experiences on for size. Acting in community theatre .... . . writing in a journal . . . or for an on-line magazine . . . learning to knit or to crochet. At 40, it's not only acceptable but chic to re-invent yourself and discover new sparkling facets to your personality.

The bliss of giving.

You're established enough financially that you have even a few extra dollars to donate to a charity that means something to you, or to give to a nonprofit or share with a person in need. If you don't give monetarily you discover you're giving of yourself in the form of time and talents. And you're learning it truly is better to give than to receive.

A new-found spirituality.

You've discovered at age 40 that every living creature in the universe is interdependent. At the subatomic level, in fact, we're made of the same miraculous stuff. And you've discovered a sense of spirituality not connected to any religion or religious dogma. You can unite with the spirit in you own personally satisfying way.

A renewed sense of purpose.

Perhaps you had doubts while raising your family and working every day. But you have finally confirmed the purpose you've been put on this earth. It could be simple or complex. It could be to help merely one other individual or to change the situation for millions. Whatever your purpose, you've rededicated yourself to it!


Once you reach the age of 40, you've lived long enough to gain a level of wisdom - and you're still young enough to put it into use!

Learn how to turn the rest of your life into the very best years of your life! Get a copy of "The Book of Answers for Women 40+" today.

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